The Good Ship Probka
Say what you will about Moscow being unkind to women, I've pulled more times at Propaganda's Student Night than any other time/space nexus on the planet. Something about the dreamlike artificial fog, pure techno cacophony, 90-ruble vodka shots and mutually acknowledged desperation of clubbing on a Thursday sends people hurtling into each other like elementary sex particles. The face control goons stopped letting me in ages ago after I threatened to "bury" them, but I'm kind of glad, because now I have my Friday mornings puts Propaganda into a sparse, new club photo section — "Underground." Now, everyone with a Lonely Planet guide knows about Propaganda, the city's oldest nightclub. But the label still fits because it's physically underground, with an edgy air raid bunker decor. And, it's relatively cheap, the way that Moscow's underground isn't. How riptarded is a $10 well drink, Mr. Simachev? Propaganda is where the real fashion is at: Summer 2007 marks the emergence of Telnyashka Chic.
Propaganda, 7 Bol. Zlatoustinsky Per., Metro: Kitai-Gorod, Tel. 624-5732