Feed mama5555!
Moscow club photo sites (mainpeople.ru, 4410o.ru, dj.ru) act as social networking devices. On Monday morning, you log onto your account(s), peruse the weekend's photos and mark down which ones you're in. Other members leave comments, holla at you, find out exactly where you were on Saturday, you cheating bitch, etc.
This is how I was able to ID our presumed gulag escapee as mama5555. By outward appearences not strong enough to raise her own champagne glass, mama555 nonetheless manages to make it into Dyagilev (and now Rai) photos every weekend. Perhaps she lives there.
A little about mama5555 (Zhenechka, by her Christian name): she's a Scorpio, her favorite drink is California (?) with mango juice and her favorite clubs are -- wait for it -- Dyagilev and Rai.Look, her spleen!