The Sim: Nightlife Edition
Moscow doesn't pay a premium for cool -- it prefers its money where it can see the value: marble floors, naked African slaves, baby seal eyes for headlights. Real artistic projects have to be bankrolled by the frivolous rich. Lucky for Denis Simachev, Russia's richest man has a sense of humor. Roman Abramovich is reportedly on his team, and helped make $300 Cult of Putin and "Oil Is Our Everything" t-shirts a reality.
So the coolest thing right now in a town that doesn't care for cool is Simachev's 24-hour bar, which opened on April 12 on the bottom floor of his monobrand boutique. It has the black humor of a Diesel ad, and is perpetually stuffed with the kind of people that "get it" (and wear Mr. Rogers sweaters about it). The designers picked up a bunch of neat stuff from the flea markets of Europe and Asia:
- Ejector seat from a plane, available as an option for seating.
- Leopard skin rug.
- Cosmonaut helmut.
- Hentai mosaic of, oh fucking gross, weeping babes being taken from behind.
- Photoshopped mounted photograph of Bush dancing for whooping world leaders, Putin and Osama bin Laden included.
- Drawstring toliet (in a dining booth, also blecccch).
